How to make $10,000 a month with passive income and not have to invest your life savings to do it. We look at the ways.
Passive income explained
There are many forms of passive however most of them require a substantial capital input.
- Investing in long-term shares
- Capital investment in long-term bank rates
- Renting a property or B&B
Then there are the methods that require a lot of personal involvement.
- Witing a novel or even e.Books
- Building training programmes
- Affiliate marketing with a recurring income
- Blogging
However, there is an easier way
Done for you Funnel, products and customers
This is an exclusive invite from me to join a select group of entrepreneurs that are enjoying a passive income dream that does not cost an arm and a leg.

Click above to enter a new world that will deliver payments every month.
However, this is for a limited time and a limited number so if the door has closed please accept my apologies.
So exclusive it is only shared with a privileged few
When you enter the world you will be asked to sign a non-share disclaimer. They don’t want you hawking this content around the internet and
spoiling it for others. I know you will think this as overkill but when you get inside you will truly appreciate how necessary it is.
Your small entry fee will open a whole new world that will keep you enthralled by the simple logic it contains.
A done-for-you program
In all marketing, the process is really pretty simple.
You must have a product. It can be a hard product or a virtual one
Get traffic so that you ( they supply some)
Then tell people about it. (A funnel or squeeze page)
A way to get paid
and somewhere to spend, save or invest your earnings.
The fast track to success or the slow and easy build
In any venture, there is personal input. You invest your cash then watch the interest market and move to the big hitters.
You have a B&B and either pay a manager or do the booking and cleaning yourself. It depends on the return you want.
Online virtual products are similar in that you can drive the market in the way you want.
You can pay for traffic or build it using the best SEO methods. The end result will be the same it is just the time and cost to get to the top.
Therefore you decide at any time the level of investment you want in growing your fortune.
Join a group of like-minded people

You won’t be alone in this venture and you will have others to share the journey and compare results so you can gather critical input>
This includes regular reviews, important traffic inclusions and extra income opportunities. If you want you will have access to a whole heap of training that will give you a much better insight into the workings behind a system.
Or, you can sit back and watch whilst it unfolds before you.
It is all on the plate and ready to go.
They have the products for you so you don’t need to find them.
the Funnel is built for you incorporating the latest customer acquisition methods
And you are given traffic and income to get the ball rolling.
Nothing this good will happen overnight, it will take about three months to find some legs but then continue to grow in a manner in which you will be very happy.
Backed by 20 years of research
The guys behind this have been building systems over the past 20-plus years so they are not new to the business. They have won multiple awards with JVZoo and Warrior Forum so come with an enviable track record of success. They back the product with guarantees and support programs.
What’s more, they include all the very latest marketing techniques to ensure you sat well ahead of a changing market.
In summary, this is a complete package that you control and gather that passive income without selling the family jewels.
I discovered this as an extra adventure to my small business holdings and blogging career. We all need more than one avenue of income because things happen and we don’t want to be left high and dry. This provides a reliable long-term income generation that is really difficult to find anywhere else.