Gotbackup review and criticisms

Gotbackup reviews and criticisms with some good bits as well. Nothing is perfect and that includes the cheapest service on the internet

Who is Got backup

Gotbackup reviews and criticisms;

Gotbackup comes out of the Joel Therion camp where the main company is GVO and several entities operate under that banner.

First of all, it is not new.
Originally launched about 8 years ago when they had everything in Canada. I was a user then and I am now so I may show a bit of bias.
The cost of running a service centre and having access to a lot of broadband access became limited so they upped the stakes and Went to Texas.
Here GVO bought a building and Gotbackup equipped it with storage racks so they own everything. Furthermore, there is heaps of cable available at very low prices so data transfer is not a problem.
Other top-tier companies also use this area for their in-house use because of the stability and pricing advantages.
So, having no debt, low-cost utilities and affiliate marketing to gather customers They priced the product at a low rate because of low costs..

Gotbackup review and criticisms

Storage security is critical in a backup service

Having sufficient bandwidth was the first of the hurdles they covered.
Next, they needed to back up their own backup. Plus have another copy at an outside location. You can never be too confident that you have all bases covered.
Another problem that can affect supply is capacity. Fast growth can overwhelm the servers and cause a bottleneck and slow delivery.
Gotbackup expects to grow rapidly so they have set up the rooms to handle the first Million customers to be on the safe side.
Dropbox has a reported 700 million customers earning them a 2021 revenue of $2.16 billion which is a handy income.
therefore Gotbackup has a lot of markets to play with.

Dropbox has more than 700 million registered users. The service has received 100 million new registrations per year since 2018.


However only 15.5 million paying users.

Yes, Gotbackup data is encrypted with military-grade AES-256 encryption keeping your files safe and secure

The ability of the company to participate in the market

GVO has been around for about 25 years and Dropbox first launched prior to 2017 so they have a history in the market.
They also market eight other products on various opportunities including health and customer growth.
They claim to be debt free and well-funded to grow into the future.

You can back up both Windows and Apple devices and by the time you read this Mobile phones will be included.

Affiliate marketing with a twist

Affiliate marketing is often used in low-cost products because the marketing cost is known which is unlike advertising where you spend and wait for a return. Because the Value is low ($10 a month) then it follows that the affiliate percentage must also be low.
However, Gotbackup has offered an MLM scheme where you also share in the downline income. They have used this scheme before so the legality is well tested and set with two users wide and unlimited depth.
You can create a powerline on the outer leg of the downline which will create multiple levels of income.

The costs of Gotbackup has many inclusions

They have targeted the storage with a couple of packages but the main one is the Family pack.
Here you can have 6 separate users ( with multiple devices) and share in 6 terabytes of storage. All for $9.97 a month

This is a market-leading offer and competes well with Google Drive, iCloud and Dropbox.

Recover files and photos from anywhere

This is a great benefit for travellers that may need to gather copies of stored documents. They don’t need their own computer and can log in from anywhere and print or share files.
Recovering files and photos at any time is a great value.

Do you need a cloud backup service?

Your Data may be lost or destroyed in any number of ways. Simply not backing up to an external device leaves you vulnerable to many calamities.
Equipment failure, theft ( laptops and pads), water, fire etc
Automated backup to an external device is the best way to secure your data. Interestingly Gotbackup, backup all information both internally and externally to ensure loss is not possible, you should as well.

The backup must be automated

Gotbackup is a fully automated service backing up your data every few minutes without slowing your computer.
Many will have a Data device that may have cost hundreds of dollars but they are mostly ignored and sit on the desk gathering dust and not data.
In the case of any major incursion, all may be lost. Your online backup remains

Marketing support is unique

They have a range of images for web and Media use Plus a very unique autoresponder. You load your message and your potential customers and it is all done for you. This is a most unusual inclusion because it has a market value of at least $25 a month at Aweber and more elsewhere.
Customer service is available and works well.
They have twice-weekly marketing meetings.

The good points reviewed

A product that has a very large customer need
It is competitively priced and structured
The company is secure and cashed up
The marketing support is excellent
And the affiliate package unique

What can be bad

The site is at times slow to respond
They email persistently with a promise that is somewhat difficult to understand seemingly offering you customers.
You have to supply all customers for your downline yourself, which is not unusual.
Do people see the need or do they need to be pushed?

Gotbackup review and criticisms


Certainly, this is not a scam or another junk product thrown at the market. It has Market acceptance and a great pedigree so there is no downside to being a user, an affiliate or both.

Gotbackup review and criticisms by Peter Hanley

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